As a leading technology service provider in the greater St. Louis area, we rely heavily on robust partnerships with world class vendors to ensure we are able to provide our clients with the best products, services and support necessary to effectively maintain their IT infrastructure. At ATB, one such partner is Cisco. As one of the world’s largest technology vendors, Cisco offers a wide range of products and networking solutions designed for businesses of all sizes (from small businesses to enterprises) across a wide range of industries. One way that Cisco and other leading technology partners are able to maintain their strong position in the marketplace is by providing education and encouraging professional certifications.

The Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA) certification is an entry-level accreditation. Holders of this certification have proven a strong competency across many different levels of network design ranging from subnetting and supernetting to switching fundamentals and various routing protocols used on Local Area Networks (LANs). Specifically, the CCNA tests a technology specialists’ ability to promote, install, configure, operate, maintain and repair a variety of products and services involved with medium sized routed and switched networks, including:

  • IP data network operation
  • LAN switching technology
  • IP addresses
  • IP routing technology
  • IP services
  • Network device security
  • WAN technology

Training and education like this Cisco certification are one way we ensure our team of network engineers are best in class. At ATB we understand that we are only as good as our partners and our employees. Having a technology staff that is CCNA certified only strengthens our partnership with Cisco and ultimately allows us to provide our customers with access to the best products and services Cisco has to offer at a competitive price.

Cisco certification provides ATB employees with the intimate knowledge required to analyze your business and determine which Cisco solutions are right for you. To learn more about how our team of CCNA certification holders can benefit your organization, call us today, 314-878-4166.

Ready to Turn IT into an Advantage?

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