If you’re like many businesses, when you implemented your first email solution, you wanted something that was inexpensive and could be setup quickly. However, as your company has grown, you have come to realize how important email is to your business. Now, that first email solution doesn’t quite feel as if it can keep up with your business. You probably face a variety of challenges with your current email solution, such as: inefficient communications capabilities, diminished confidence in uptime and uncertainty surrounding data security and compliance. A reliable email system designed for businesses can help alleviate all of these concerns. At ATB, we highly recommend the Microsoft Exchange Server as your choice for email and beyond.

For starters, companies that use Microsoft Exchange can allow their employees to access email from anywhere in the world. Whether your workforce primarily sits behind a desk at a centralized office or they are scattered across the globe, with Microsoft Exchange Server they can access all of their important documents and respond to emails and sales inquiries from just about anywhere. Microsoft Exchange provides mobility functionality that allows for integration with all smartphones, so your office is always right at your fingertips.

Microsoft Exchange Server provides a variety of benefits to users and administrators alike. Users can share calendars and schedule meetings. Unified communications tools allow users to send and receive instant messages, email and even faxes through their Exchange Server mailbox. The “Global Lists” feature allows for the creation of a centralized address list that has the ability to dynamically change as users are added and removed from the email system by an administrator. And when combined with other Microsoft Collaboration products such as Microsoft SharePoint and/or Skype for Business (formerly known as Micrososft Lync), Microsoft Exchange Server can become a fully functional voice over IP (VoIP) phone system with voicemail capabilities.

One of the biggest benefits associated with Microsoft Exchange is the enhanced security. The Exchange Server eliminates email threats before they ever reach your organization’s network with anti-spam, antivirus and junk filtering. Microsoft Exchange Server also works to ensure that emails remain confidential and are not compromised by a third party. This heightened level of security allows businesses like yours to feel confident that their email system is protected and data is secure and transmission is fully compliant.

If improved productivity and collaboration are something your business is looking for, consider Microsoft Exchange. It can be installed on premise with the internal infrastructure, can be hosted in the cloud, can be implemented as part of the Microsoft Office365 online solution or some combination thereof. At ATB Technologies we know and understand the Microsoft Exchange platform and have extensive experience with new implementation and upgrades. Contact us today to discover what the Microsoft Exchange Server can do for you, 314-878-4166.

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