If your business is already on the Microsoft platform, then Skype for Business (formerly known as Microsoft Lync) is for you. With Skype for Business and the Lync Server, your organization has everything you need to collaborate. In its most basic form, Skype for Business is a platform for instant messaging (IM or Chat) and basic Skype to Skype calls from within your business. From there, however, Skype for Business scales up to an internal web Conferencing Bridge, which enables the sharing of Microsoft Office documents, presentations and other content. When fully integrated, Skype for Business can become a fully functional enterprise voice phone system, enabling users to make and receive calls from anywhere in the world.

When businesses choose to implement Skype for Business using the Microsoft Lync Server, one of the first things managers notice is an increase in productivity and collaboration between their employees. Skype for Business, when fully implemented, also increases productivity from a mobility standpoint, by enabling employees to take business calls, instant message and access company voicemails directly from their mobile devices. This yields quicker response times and gives your customers more ways to communicate with your employees, giving your business a distinct competitive advantage.

Beyond the practical applications of Microsoft Lync and/or Skype for Business, these platforms can also significantly reduce audio, video and web conferencing costs currently paid to third party providers by combining all of these services under one umbrella. The Lync Server is also known to require less IT maintenance as compared to more traditional telephony systems. And for many organizations, the integration of Skype for Business can alleviate travel costs, as face-to-face meetings can take place without the need for actual travel.

Skype for Business can integrate with most of your existing communications technology, so your business can still make and receive calls using more traditional telephony systems, however, we have found that most of our clients experience significant savings when they transition to a single communications solution that can handle everything. Whether you plan to use servers and other on premise equipment you already own, or you plan to fully transition your organization’s communications to the cloud, Skype for Business is sure to help your workforce increase collaboration and productivity. Contact ATB today to learn more, 314-878-4166.

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