[x_section style=”margin: 0px -45px -25px -45px; padding: 45px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” bg_color=”” style=”margin: 0px auto 0px auto; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_column bg_color=”” type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; “][x_text]Digital advances have certainly transformed the nonprofit landscape, but with that evolution comes an increased need for organizations to understand, anticipate, and prepare for technology-related challenges. However, in a world where many nonprofits are increasingly trying to achieve more mission-driven initiatives with fewer resources, making technology updates a priority can be a difficult sell to board members and leadership. Here we will review the top 3 tech challenges facing nonprofits today looking for IT support in St. Louis.
- Data Security – If there’s one thing that every successful nonprofit has in common, it’s a robust database of donors, volunteers, corporate sponsors, etc. Ensuring this information is well-protected must remain a high priority for nonprofits, as a breach could have particularly devastating results and cause your biggest supporters to lose faith in your organization. Having a password policy in place that applies to anyone who uses devices (this includes volunteers) that can access your network is an easy first step at keeping data secure. Beyond that, simple measures such as keeping software and browsers up-to-date can go a long way in protecting your business.
- Budgets – In a world where the name of the game is to spend less on day-to-day operating activities so that there are more resources available to support a nonprofit’s mission directly, it can be easy to overlook technology updates as part of the annual budgeting process. But we encourage you to think of it this way, without well maintained and upgraded technology in place, you run the risk of system outages and breaches that will only hinder your ability to achieve your organizational goals.
- Data Backup & Disaster Recovery – Not only do you need to make efforts to protect your data, but it is equally important to have a plan in place if you do experience a cyber attack or a total loss disaster. Don’t wait until your entire business has been compromised to wonder…what now?!
At ATB, we understand that it’s a delicate balance for nonprofits to stay focused on their mission while keeping day-to-day business operations and technology running smoothly. Contact us today to schedule a no obligation, complimentary consultation with one of our IT experts. From there we can discuss specific technology challenges facing your nonprofit and create a customized plan that will help you achieve your goals now and in the future.[/x_text][x_prompt type=”left” title=”Call Us Today” message=”Give us a call: 314-878-4166″ button_text=”Contact Us Online” button_icon=”comment” circle=”false” href=”/contact/” href_title=”” target=””][/x_column][/x_row][/x_section]