The healthcare industry has always had unique needs but because of recent laws and changes in the industry, technology is more important in all aspects of healthcare than ever before. As increasingly more healthcare outlets become part of larger conglomerates or healthcare networks, healthcare technology infrastructures are under more and more pressure to support growing numbers of employees, patients and physical locations. Additionally, healthcare IT needs to have sufficient bandwidth and fast enough processors to support a tremendous amount of (often confidential) data while remaining agile enough to be accessible from a variety of devices, including workstations, tablets, smartphones and more. Making this even more complex is the fact that while healthcare IT services demand increased mobility, regulations surrounding healthcare data security and patient privacy are ever stricter. This balance between mobility and security is why many healthcare organizations are turning to outside IT companies like ATB to help develop a strategy that meets their needs.
At ATB we have experience serving a variety of healthcare IT clients, and as such, we are able to provide forward-looking custom solutions specific that meet your business needs as well as industry requirements. Our team of healthcare IT support experts stay current with the seemingly always changing healthcare landscape, and are here to help you evaluate your current healthcare IT infrastructure and assess your needs. From more information-savvy patients that require fast and easy access to their healthcare information to regulatory pressures to implementation of and training on a centralized medical records system, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you find healthcare IT solutions that are right for you.
It’s undeniable that a digital healthcare revolution is happening, and your business can either chose to get on board now or get left in the dust. At ATB, we are here to help your health informatics department find and implement the perfect healthcare IT solutions while also addressing the myriad of compliance and security concerns faced by the dental and healthcare industries. Whether you need general healthcare IT support, HIPPA compliance consulting or e-commerce solutions, ATB Technologies has experience developing healthcare IT solutions that can handle any and all of these unique demands. We would love the opportunity to discuss how our proven approach to addressing today’s healthcare IT environment can work for you. Contact us today to learn more, 314-878-4166.
Fill out the form below to request a quote, and one of our friendly consultants will be in touch shortly. We’ll discuss your needs and take the first step toward better IT.