When you think of cutting-edge technology and advancing your business, you rarely think about policies. And why should you? Policies are hard. Hard to create and even harder to implement. But having proper policies in place can keep your business safe, compliant and prepared. 

Professional policies are in-depth rules and guidelines that outline how you do business, including what’s acceptable and what’s not in areas ranging from employee conduct and responsibilities to data protection and compliance. Examples of policies business should have in place include (but are not limited to):

  • Acceptable use – outlines what a user must agree to in order to access a company’s network, internet or resources;
  • Bring your own device (BYOD) – governs employees using their personal devices for work purposes, including connecting to the company’s network and accessing sensitive or confidential data and information;
  • Disaster recovery – establishes the steps for recovering from a cyber attack or technology failure and restoring normal operations as quickly as possible; and
  • Compliance – covers how the company will  comply with government regulations designed to protect both consumers and businesses.

Policies are essential to protect your business, as well as your employees and assets. How? Here are three ways policies safeguard your business:

  • Reduce risk and secure your assets – Policies can help identify and reduce potential risks such as data breaches or security threats by outlining expectations related to cybersecurity and privacy. Ensuring employees are following best practices for password management, setting up safeguards when employees use their own devices for work, and ensuring confidentiality with consumer data are all areas where policies can help protect your business from downtime and damage.
  • Comply with government regulations – Government regulations cover everything from consumer data privacy and patient health information, to credit card information and financial reporting and recordkeeping. Company policies can ensure their business practices align with government regulations and keep them in regulatory compliance. 
  • Support your company’s success – Beyond protecting against costly cyber threats, policies can also help improve operational efficiency by outlining employee expectations, including proper use of company resources and devices. Policies can also ensure employees are trained on procedures to carry out their work successfully and avoid making mistakes that could damage the company’s reputation, resources and future.

When it comes to policies, the possibilities are seemingly endless. It’s hard to know where to start and what’s most important to tackle first. At ATB Technologies, we know the power and importance of solid IT policies, and we’ve developed ways to simplify the policy creation process. Our expert consultants can conduct a thorough analysis of your business and collaborate with you to identify what policies you need. What’s more, we can provide industry-standard templates that can be customized to your business. If you’re interested in learning more about reducing risk, complying with government regulations and securing your assets through policy development, reach out today for a free consultation at atb-tech.com/contact-us. You can also explore some examples of policies by downloading three templates from our website at atb-tech.com/technology-resources.

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